Persons who are digital nomads can now arrive in Romania under a digital nomad visa. The visa program was launched in 2022, Romania being one of the few European countries that now have an official digital nomad visa.
Digital nomads are persons who can work remotely and develop business activities that are related only to the country where they have their tax residence.
Since their business activities are not related to this country, the holders of the Romania digital nomad visa will not be required to pay taxes here.
Our team of Romanian lawyers can present in-depth information on the application process, as well as on all the eligibility criteria imposed to foreigners. We can also help you with the formalities for company formation in Romania.
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What are the highlights of the Romania digital nomad visa?
First of all, the launch of this visa program defined what a digital nomad is as per the understanding of the Romanian law.
Then, the law regulates the legal status of the digital nomad living in Romania and the conditions to fulfill in order to obtain this visa.
The basics of the Romania digital nomad visa are presented below:
- the digital nomad is now regulated under the provisions of the Romanian Law no. 22/2022;
- the Romania digital nomad visa allows its holder to live here for a period of 12 months;
- the visa applicant is required to have an income that is 3 times higher than the gross average monthly salary in Romania;
- the current average gross salary is of EUR 1100, which means that a foreigner applying for this visa program should be able to prove a monthly income of EUR 3,300;
- it is required to provide evidence on this income for the last 6 months of business activities prior to the application;
- it is also necessary to have a valid health insurance recognized in Romania, with a value of minimum EUR 30,000.
Additional criteria to fulfill for the digital nomad visa in Romania
Although the visa requirements aren’t very difficult to achieve, there are many aspects foreigners should look out for.
In order to have a successful visa processing, all applicants have to be sure that they have submitted all the required papers. Here, our Romanian lawyers can be of assistance.
Besides the conditions mentioned above, visa applicants have to provide evidence regarding the fact that they develop their work activities using information and communication technology.
According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the institution in charge with the visa processing procedure, applicants should submit the next documents:
- an employment contract signed with the company abroad/ evidence of self-employment for minimum 3 years;
- documents showing the company details of the company owned by the applicant/where the applicant is hired as an employee;
- a letter of intent in which the applicant will present the reasons to relocate to Romania;
- a clean criminal record issued by the police authorities in the country of origin;
- a rental agreement or any other document that attests the accommodation of the foreigner in Romania.
Our Romanian law firm can present additional information on any other documents to be submitted, as this can be the case in certain situations. If you need to start a business, we can offer legal assistance for company formation in Romania.
Reasons to choose Romania as a digital nomad destination
Romania is one of the few European countries that have already created a legal environment for digital nomads and this should be an important aspect to take into consideration.
A 2nd important reason is that the internet services are very cheap in Romania compared to other countries – it can cost approximately EUR 7.50 per month, delivered at a very good speed (average speed of 188 mb/s).
A 3rd compelling reason is that Romania stands out as the 3rd country in a list analyzing the market conditions for digital nomads (in a list containing 111 countries).
If you need legal representation in the process of obtaining the Romania digital nomad visa, please contact our law firm in Romania. If you need legal services for company formation in Romania, you can contact us.
If you consider to relocate here on a long-term basis and turn your digital nomad business into a Romanian company, you can rely on our team for advice on all the legal formalities.
Our lawyers can assist in the steps you must follow in order to open a business in Romania and can help you choose a business form that suits your capital, liability and investment plans.
Therefore, you can rely on our attorneys, who are specialized in offering services for company incorporation in Romania. Please mind that our team is comprised of lawyers who have expertise in various fields of activity, not only in commercial matters. Our team can also advise you in immigration matters (applying for a residence permit, relocating with family members).
Foreigners who want to live in this country for a longer period of time can request in-depth information on the procedure to buy a house in Romania.
You can rely on our lawyers for signing any legal documents and for legal representation in front of a notary public, as well as in front of any other institutions that can be involved in the process of changing the ownership of a property.