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Buying a Farm in Romania

by Vlad Cuc

From an economic perspective, the type of production or of the service provided, Romanian farms are divided into:

  • Family farms ;
  • Forestry ;
  • Rural farms ;
  • Farms ;
  • Agro – tourism farms .

Farms represents the basic agricultural production in Romania.

To note is the fact that agriculture and tourism departments in case of agro -tourism farms can be employed in a farm. An example may be a company specializing in the production of milk and meat, situated in an attractive area and therefore offers tourism activities.

In order to carry out specific activities organized units to increase production, reproduction and selection of animals including pets, fish, bees, silkworms and others, their marketing and use of products derived thereto, a Romanian company must obtain operating permits as follows:

The quality of the company in such units may be obtained by any individual enterprise, family business or legal entity engaged in controlled sanitary – veterinary activities.

The first step to obtain a permit for farming is authorizing the legal form of economic activity.

In its work on growth, production , reproduction and selection animals, fish, bees , silkworms and others, their marketing and use of products derived from them ( activities that are specific to animal farms according to Order 261/2003 – Annex 1 ) the Romanian company must secure the existence of the Articles of Incorporation of the following NACE codes for veterinary permits are issued by the county Sanitary Veterinary Directorate , respectively, of Bucharest – unique Office :

– NACE code 0141 , 0142
Cattle – Farm animals – cattle

NACE code 0145 , 0143
Sheep , goats ( 0145 ) , horses , asses, mules and donkeys ( 0143 ) – farm animals – sheep

NACE code 0146
Increasing pigs – farm animals – pigs

NACE code 0147
Poultry farming – farm animals – birds

NACE code 0149
Raising of other animals – farm : bees and producing honey and wax , rabbits, furry animals and skins production , silkworm , growth and reproduction pets , various other animals

– CAEN code 0150
Activities (mixed farming of crops combined with farming of animals )

Besides the authorization form, each trader will submit a file for authorization to the following institutions in the following order :

– Romanian National Environmental Protection Agency in order to obtain the environmental permit , according to :
1 ) GEO 195/2005 on environmental protection;
2 ) Order no. 135/2010 approving the Methodology for the implementation of environmental impact assessment for public and private projects ;
3 ) Order no. 1798/2007 Procedure for issuing the environmental permit .

Romanian National Sanitary Veterinary Agency or the County Sanitary Veterinary Directorate or the Bucharest – Unique office according to :
1 ) Order no. 261/2003 approving the sanitary veterinary norm regarding the veterinary authorization procedure for the approval of establishments and export business , and the definition of units subject to veterinary control ;
1 ) Order no. 16/2010 for approving the sanitary veterinary norm regarding the procedure for registration / veterinary units / collection centers / farms of origin and means of transport in health and welfare, the units involved in the storage and disposal of animal by-products animals not intended for human consumption and processed products .

– Agency for Payments and Intervention in Agriculture according to :
1 ) Order no. 22/2011 on the reorganization Register farms , which becomes unique identification register in order to access measures covered by the common agricultural policy.

Recording in unique identification register withing the Romanian Agriculture Payment and Intervention Agency is only possible if the Romanian company wants access during the development activities of projects fully or partially funded by the European Union, getting grants from the State owned or obtaining animals state subsidies for the land plots owned by it.

I) In order to obtain the environmental permit for the activities to be carried out by the firm, the economic operator shall submit to the territorial public authority for environmental protection ( ATPM ) a file containing the following documentation:

  • the application for environmental authorization ;
  • Presentation sheet and statement, according to the regulations in force (Order 1798/2007 ) ;
  • proof that the request has published at least one of the methods to provide information applicable normative acts that Order 1798/2007 ;
  • plan and plan employment situation in the target area;
  • the written statement of compliance with all conditions imposed by the environmental permit according to Order no. 135/2010 approving the methodology for the application of environmental impact assessment for public and private projects .

In order to obtain the environmental permit , the economic operator must obtain the environmental agencies for environmental approval according to Order no. 135/2010- approving the Methodology for the implementation of environmental impact assessment for public and private projects.
Obtaining environmental approval represents the initial evaluation stage in obtaining environmental permits and is made by filing a notice of intention of the project , accompanied by a certificate issued under planning law authorizing the construction works , the plans annexed thereto and the evidence paying the fee for this step.

II) Regarding the file submitted to the county or Bucharest DSVSA – Unique Office for authorization, it shall contain the following documents:

  • application form , original ;
  • copy of registration certificate and the certificate issued by the Trade Register in original;
  • the project location , construction and equipment of the unit / collection center / farm of origin or their outline ;
  • outline in detail the establishment, construction ,
  • identify the technological and utilities ;
  • The technical evidence;
  • the ownership or contract under which the Romanian company has the location
  • PUZ (Zonal Urban Plan ) containing the objectives, actions , priorities , planning regulations (permissions and restrictions ) need to be applied in land use and compliance of the building where the firm operates ;
  • obtained the environmental permit for activities in the farm ;
  • service contract concluded between the trader and a veterinarian in order to provide veterinary services for farm animals .

The information contained in this article may vary depending on the practical activities of economic operator in precise conditions established by it. This article is clearly a landmark in terms of setting up a unit performing the growth , production , reproduction and selection animals, fish, bees , silkworms and others, their marketing and use of products derived from them in standard terms.